Re: annullment
Posted by 00 on 9/07/07
This needs to be posted on the Family Law board. Annulments are not about a "time frame" but rather only under certain curcumstances, such as fraud or marrying a relative. And yes, he could fight it. On 9/07/07, maria wrote: > hello, I was married by my pastor on May 4th. 2007-this > yr. I ould like to know if i am within the time frame of > an annulment? if so, how do I go about seeking one and can > my husbang refuse it? I live in West Palm Beach, fl. > Thank you very much
Posts on this thread, including this one
- annullment, 9/07/07, by maria.
- Re: annullment, 9/07/07, by 00.