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    Post: parole violation

    Posted by JD on 12/05/07

    Here is the situation.
    I live in California and my boyfriend got arrested over the
    weekend for a warrant he has in Louisiana for a parole
    violation. I was able to get him bailed out of jail and
    now he has a month to get this figured out.
    What happened in Louisiana was that he was going to see a
    parole officer every week for a breaking and entering
    charge, then the hurricane hit, he lost everything and
    moved out of state to Texas then to Virginia. When he
    called the parole board in Louisiana to see if he could get
    his parole switch to the current state he lived in they
    told him, no, he had to go back. He didn't and he let it
    go (totally his own fault). So now I am trying to find out
    if he should hire an attorney in Louisiana to see if they
    can take care of this or should he go to Louisiana himself
    to take care of it and risk being arrested there. Any help
    is appreciated.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • parole violation, 12/05/07, by JD.
  • Re: parole violation, 12/12/07, by FS.

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