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    Re: parole violation

    Posted by FS on 12/12/07

    On 12/05/07, JD wrote:
    > Here is the situation.
    > I live in California and my boyfriend got arrested over
    > weekend for a warrant he has in Louisiana for a parole
    > violation. I was able to get him bailed out of jail and
    > now he has a month to get this figured out.
    > What happened in Louisiana was that he was going to see a
    > parole officer every week for a breaking and entering
    > charge, then the hurricane hit, he lost everything and
    > moved out of state to Texas then to Virginia. When he
    > called the parole board in Louisiana to see if he could
    > his parole switch to the current state he lived in they
    > told him, no, he had to go back. He didn't and he let it
    > go (totally his own fault). So now I am trying to find
    > if he should hire an attorney in Louisiana to see if they
    > can take care of this or should he go to Louisiana himself
    > to take care of it and risk being arrested there. Any
    > is appreciated.

    He should definately get an attorney, one way or another.
    He may be arrested, but he should have a hearing before
    being re-incarcerated, if that is the case.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • parole violation, 12/05/07, by JD.
  • Re: parole violation, 12/12/07, by FS.

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