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    Post: Godwin Forensic Consultancy

    Posted by Dr. Maurice Godwin on 2/10/06

    Godwin Forensic Consultancy
    Overview of Expert Services

    Godwin Forensic Consultancy offers prosecutors and defense
    attorneys diverse criminal investigative and trial
    consultant services using ‘powerful multimedia
    presentations.’ President and Director, Dr. Maurice Godwin
    offers his expertise in litigation psychology, criminal
    litigation, civil litigation, and profiling defense
    strategies. Dr. Godwin's expertise and scientific research
    in areas of psychology, criminal behavior, and criminology
    distinctly sets him apart from the vast number of forensic
    and clinical psychological consultants who rely on
    intuitive based opinions. He has an extensive background
    in using the above-mentioned areas of applied disciplines
    to develop models of criminal behavior such as theoretical
    and operational expert systems for linking crimes. Dr.
    Godwin’s past consultant work has yielded positive
    results. For example, in the recent death penalty case of
    New Jersey vs. Steve Fortin Dr. Godwin’s expert testimony
    for the defense on the unreliability of the FBI’s Violent
    Criminal Apprehension Program (VICAP) kept VICAP from
    being introduced as evidence to show similarities between

    Dr. Godwin provides his clients an array of professional
    services such as behavioral analysis of crime scenes,
    assessing the dangerousness of offenders, psychological
    profiles, equivocal deaths, and geographical profiles.
    With his pugnacious approach, he can assist attorneys in
    debunking criminal profiling techniques. His book, Hunting
    Serial Predators, is the first and only publication that
    deals a direct blow to current criminal profiling
    techniques. He brings to its clients years of both
    research and professional police training.
    Expert Consultancy Areas Include:

    Criminal Litigation
    Litigation Psychology
    Cross-Examination Preparation
    Deposition Preparation
    Litigation Profiling Consultancy
    Criminal Profiling Litigation
    Cold Case Investigations
    Civil Litigation Consultancy
    Serial Crimes
    Equivocal Deaths
    Police Expert Systems
    Criminal Networks
    Risk Assessment
    Profiling Intrusion Hackers

    A central focus of Godwin Forensic Consultancy is to
    assist attorneys, in developing trial strategies, which
    will diminish the testimony of the opposition’s profiling
    expert. His expert advice is founded on research that is a
    much more prosaic activity compared to loosely base
    intuitive testimony that is often given in court by
    profiling consultants. Dr. Godwin’s research involves the
    painstaking examination of patterns of criminal behavior
    and the empirical testing of those patterns to discover
    trends that may be of value to an investigation or
    developing new lines of inquires for attorneys. For
    example, current research has found that rapists do not
    evolve out of a biography of ever more serious sexual
    assaults but are more likely to have a criminal history
    for burglaries. Dr. Godwin can assist in preparing your
    case such as depositions or cross-examinations of
    individuals testifying as an expert profiler. Using his
    research and experience, he knows the unanticipated -
    important questions to ask.

    Dr. Maurice Godwin
    (910) 670-2450

    Godwin Forensic Consultancy

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  • Godwin Forensic Consultancy, 2/10/06, by Dr. Maurice Godwin.

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