Re: time or(death)
Posted by The Hawk on 2/17/08
On 1/02/08, Gerri wrote: > When did excaping become more of a crime then wounding a > police officer, 140 years? AR, needs to catch up with the > time, you don't rehablitate a man by telling him to die in > prison,There is no crafts, hobbies, job training of any > kind in some of the State Prisons, how in GODS NAME can a > man be gorgiven if the prison dosen's start > first????????????????????????????????????????? sounds as tho ARK. has a personal thing against this man, his crimes don't read as tho he got any thing called justice I think they should have said lifen 140 years, who do they think he is ABRAHAM, I don't blame him I,d run to who wants to die when justice has been abused. THE HAWK
Posts on this thread, including this one
- time or(death), 1/02/08, by Gerri.
- Re: time or(death), 2/17/08, by The Hawk.
- Re: time or(death), 5/20/08, by Hawk.