Re: malicious prosecution
Posted by Marc on 1/14/08
Retain an attorney. On 1/13/08, mibx3 wrote: > I was arrested, araighned and out on bail, I attended two > preliminary hearings and was re arrested at the second pre- > hearing for the same complaint. Not a new complaint the > same. I was re arraigned given new bail and new court date > in a different courtroom, Despite my efforts and the > efforts of some of the police officers who knew I had > allready been arrested on this complaint I was locked up > for 32 days until this era was sought. my new bail now > became from 40.000 to a signature bail with the pretext > that once before the new judge for the new case on this > origanol complaint it was to be disposed of. no one has > given the judge all of this info and this second case is > proceeding to trial, also the first case has since been > wiyhdrawn for failure to prosecute. please advise
Posts on this thread, including this one
- malicious prosecution, 1/13/08, by mibx3.
- Re: malicious prosecution, 1/14/08, by Marc.