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    Re: GF won't file complaint against BF Felony DUI

    Posted by v on 7/08/08

    If he thinks it's based on a common law wife
    he is mistaken. Used to be, only a wife
    couldn't testify against her husband. Maybe
    not anymore. No state presses charges.

    On 7/05/08, capt. roy segers wrote:
    > Who knows if he will "beat" the rap ...but
    he sure as heck can be
    > taken to trial! Remember, the SA's press
    the case...a jury
    > decides!
    > On 7/04/08, Frankie wrote:
    >> Because, in criminal cases (such as DUI,
    attempted murder, or
    >> battery), the state attorney "presses
    charges," not the victim.
    >> On 7/04/08, Curmudgeon wrote:
    >>> No.
    >>> On 7/04/08, adnileam wrote:
    >>>> Eleven months ago, A Boyfriend took his
    girlfriend out
    >>>> drinking. On the way home, the car
    scraped the guardrail
    >>>> and caused him to stop the car. A
    neighbor heard a noise
    >>>> and saw the car stopped. The neighbor
    called police who
    >>>> in turn automatically called EMS. When
    >>>> arrived, they found boyfriend near the
    car. Registration
    >>>> showed it was his GFs car but the BF was
    the only one
    >>>> around. Police asked if he was alone.
    He said yes
    >>>> multiple times. Blew 2.0. 45 minutes
    later, heard
    >>>> yelling from a revine. Turned out to be
    the GF. VERY bad
    >>>> injuries (broken bones, internal organ
    damage). GF goes
    >>>> to hospital intensive care. BF goes to
    jail overnite
    >>>> until sober. GF tells faily and friends
    she remembers
    >>>> being dragged down the revine and the big
    time pain. When
    >>>> she is released from hospital, BF and she
    start talking.
    >>>> SBI takes on the case. Police do not talk
    to GF until she
    >>>> lives thru the ordeal and returns home.
    She tells police
    >>>> she remembers nothing. It appears that
    there is some
    >>>> forensic evidence to indicate that the BF
    tried to either
    >>>> kill her or harm her. She in the
    meantime, has moved in
    >>>> with the BF. BF bragging that he will
    beat the wrap
    >>>> because she won't press charges. BF went
    before district
    >>>> court and has court date set in Superior
    Court this
    >>>> month.
    >>>> Is it true that without the GF complaint,
    the BF will beat
    >>>> the charges?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • GF won't file complaint against BF Felony DUI, 7/04/08, by adnileam.
  • Re: GF won't file complaint against BF Felony DUI, 7/04/08, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: GF won't file complaint against BF Felony DUI, 7/04/08, by Frankie.
  • Re: GF won't file complaint against BF Felony DUI, 7/05/08, by capt. roy segers.
  • Re: GF won't file complaint against BF Felony DUI, 7/08/08, by v.
  • Re: GF won't file complaint against BF Felony DUI, 7/08/08, by adnileam.
  • Re: GF won't file complaint against BF Felony DUI, 7/08/08, by v.

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