Re: Get Your Appeals and Denial Of Rights Cases Ready
Posted by George ofthe Jungle on 11/14/08
On 11/05/08, Steve Blonske wrote:
> The case that stands to mind most is the pogrom
> operated by the media and the outgoing regime
> against Roman Catholics.
You mean like MSN putting together fake Catholic
Stories like CNN did fake Isreal Stories. MSN is
already doing fake stories about the Catholic
Church excomunicating members for being supporters
of Barack Obama. It's just like Hillary lying about
Catholics being her supporters when she slandered
Catholics all the way to the Democratic Convention.
It looks like another Orangemen/Hillary Clinton/
English blaming a Roman Catholic for their crimes.
They claimed a new orthdox christian murdered Kennedy.
Now they will claim a Catholic will murder a Coptic
Catholic Christian United States President.
> Look around for other evidence of these pogroms
> and you can almost guarantee success in future
> cases.
People who hated Roman Catholics
> because they did not want to live up to their
> traditional Catholic family standards and
> provided false and misleading evidence will also
> see their lives be scheduled for thier choice of
> mortis terminis.
The best example for this is Ellen Degeneris and her
soul mate George Bush Jr. Both of them hated the
same Roman Catholic Best Friend of George Bush Sr.
***Ellen Degeneris' grandfather: Chief Petty Officer
Alain Lyons*****
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Get Your Appeals and Denial Of Rights Cases Ready, 11/05/08, by Steve Blonske.
- Re: Get Your Appeals and Denial Of Rights Cases Ready, 11/14/08, by George ofthe Jungle.
- Re: Get Your Appeals and Denial Of Rights Cases Ready, 11/14/08, by Clean and Sober Guy.