Post: Disorderly Conduct Self Defense help

Posted by Niki on 11/27/10
I am looking for advice on defending myself in trial for a
Disorderly Conduct - Fighting charge. I am in Tempe, AZ.
According to Tempe, I will not get a public defender as
they are not seeking jail time. I cannot afford an
attourney. I was arrested half a mile away from the
alleged scene. There is one witness, one 'victim', and two
police officers listed on the state's discovery (no contact
information). There was no physical violence. Technically
there is no evidence except for what the alleged victim and
witness say.
I would like to file a motion to dismiss on the grounds
that having the witness and victim ID me in court is
prejudicial. Any advice on how to file and case laws on
idependant identification would be welcome. Also any
statistics on the unreliability of eye witness testimony.
I will start with this. Might be back with more questions.
Thank you in advanced!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Disorderly Conduct Self Defense help, 11/27/10, by Niki.