Post: Can I sue the cops?

Posted by James Rudy on 6/22/11
I think the police just made a huge critical mistake and I
want to see someone fired for it and I want to sue.
They arrested me for one charge "Driving on a Suspended
However I was never caught driving on a suspended license.
I was "caught" pouring gasoline into a parked stranded
vehicle in the middle of the highway. As I was pouring the
gas into a parked stranded vehicle without they keys in the
ignition and not running a cop car pulled up and asked me
for my license.
They told me then to drive the vehicle up a little ways to
get the car out of the highway.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Can I sue the cops?, 6/22/11, by James Rudy.
- Re: Can I sue the cops?, 8/24/11, by Matthew B. Hanson Attorney at Law.
- Re: Can I sue the cops?, 8/24/11, by Matthew B. Hanson Attorney at Law.