Post: Casey Anthony And Melinda Duckett Cases Both Bogus

Posted by Steve Blonske on 11/02/11
I've posted about the Casey Anthony case in other areas.
However an article about Nancy Grace and her involvement
seem to confirm that a Melinda Dickett was suicided by
Orlando Police for Ms Grace's misconduct or to cover
the next large scale baby buying ring in the US.
Allegedly Melinda Ducket left 2 separate suicide notes.
There is a cavernous flaw in these note. It involves her
insisting in her innocence and then letting the cause of her
anguish off easy by saying they made mistakes.
Based on the evidense and circumstance; Miss Duckett was
going to be an easy walk away innocent finding.
With Casey Anthony, they kept her doped up in violation with
every law in the country and extracted what they called
statements and testimony. Hence the Zanny the Tranny Nanny
lawsuit will not wash.
The current circumstances with Casey Anthony point at the
desire of those running the baby buying ring wanting Miss
Anthony dead by some form that can be construed as suicide.
Nancy Grace's over-run mouth is the opening the U.S. Justice
needs to find the baby buyers.
Steve Blonske
GySgt USMC Retired
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Casey Anthony And Melinda Duckett Cases Both Bogus, 11/02/11, by Steve Blonske.