Post: Legal Help

Posted by Clara on 6/06/15
We are actively seeking legal counsel in the Indianapolis ar ea, preferably one with good Christian values and a non-judg mental attitude. We are looking for an attorney willing to review his legal documentation. He is fully aware that cha nges will need to be made, and will make those changes himse lf. He is needing a consultant/legal liaison for the legal w ork and someone that can do the talking in court. Mr. Blenke nship promises you will not perjure yourself or violate any professional rules of conduct. Consultation will basically b e revolving around which vehicle to use to present issues to the court. Once that is established Mr. Blenkenship can go from there. I can offer financially structured payments ever y two weeks or monthly but no lump sum at this time. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at the following e-mail: I keep in touch regularly with the client and can pass on any questions or information nec essary.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Legal Help, 6/06/15, by Clara.