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    Re: Statute of limitations

    Posted by ebkbk on 7/14/06

    In washington state the statute of limitations for a DUI is
    3 years, Meaning they have 3 years to charge him with the
    crime. He has already been charged, found guilty, and not
    complied with the terms of the sentence. So the statute of
    limitations does not apply, the only relevant time frame is
    the warrant expiration date, usually 3-5 years for a
    misdemener and 7-10 on a felony. but as i have seen in my
    own experiance, time away usually fades the memories and
    grudges, but to forgive a DUI with no reprecussions is not
    realistic. the only advice i have and this is not from a
    police officer or atturney, judge or anyone on the "STATE"
    side, but more of a citizen that has learned a few things.
    have him turn himself in before he gets arrested, it looks
    better and they might let him pick up where he left off, but
    if he gets arrested he will no doubt face the wrong end of
    that "suspended sentance". you know the one where they offer
    you 365 days jail, but "suspend" 360 and you serve the
    remaining 5 on work crew or something. if he gets caught
    before he turns himself in he might just see the county jail
    for the other 360...

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Statute of limitations, 6/29/06, by Victor Merkel.
  • Re: Statute of limitations, 6/29/06, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Statute of limitations, 7/14/06, by ebkbk.

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