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    Post: educated prospectives PLEASE

    Posted by lisa_87 on 10/09/06

    Long story short being accused of crime. All the evidence
    and testimony was provided by the person who could have
    very well committed the crime DA did nothing and could not
    verify most information. person had time and motive to
    alter and disclude items that would not support
    accusations against me. Can I motion to supress evidence
    based on her intent to clear herself and how would I word
    it. She was in possession of all evidence she provided it
    to them at which time I believe she may have altered
    and/or discluded information.
    If a crime was committed and my acount
    information was used to do so how ever. I can prove it was
    companies common practice to use other person information
    to complete such forms as the one filed How do I go about
    retreiving data form the company to do so. can I get a
    supena what background info can I use against witness who
    had motive to commit crime and had proir arrest for
    similar charge. And a proir incdent at this company just
    differnt person. crime and my residence in county being
    proscuted almost
    all evidence the business and ATM's used in crime were
    in a different county how do I make this benfit me lawyer
    thinks chances are better in other district. Convenientlly
    no ATM photos were available at two differnt locations I
    believe they were but didn't fit their likeing is there
    some kind of motion for discovery I could file on that to
    either produce the photos or submit reason why they were
    not included.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • educated prospectives PLEASE, 10/09/06, by lisa_87.

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