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    Post: armed robbery

    Posted by I dunno what happened on 11/13/06

    A store got robbed and nothing was recovered from the
    robbery. A women got injured and their were two other
    witnesses. The witnesses identification of the robbers was
    not even close to my appearence but i am still being
    charged with it and i am innocent. The only thing they can
    say is that i had the same type of gun used in the robbery.
    They took a picture of a gun at a store and showed the
    witness and the witness said it looked like the same gun.It
    was the same model as mine. It was a two person robbery and
    i am the only one arrested, I have no CO-D. their was also
    another gun used in the robbery but they never found it.How
    can they charge me with a crime if all they have is
    circumstancial evidence and how hard is it to win this case
    at trial?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • armed robbery, 11/13/06, by I dunno what happened.
  • Re: armed robbery, 12/25/06, by Hardy Parkerson, Attorney - Lake Charles, Louisiana .

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