Re: Onslow County Sherrif's (The NO INVESTIGATE) Department
Posted by damn yankee on 1/15/08
On 1/14/08, ac Stuart wrote:
> On 01/14/08 Mac Stuart wrote:
> Can not Onslow County do any better than this for a
sheriff? It would be a good place not to visit or live.
In November 2006 I assisted Jimmy Harris to campaign against
Ed Brown and sorry to say, Jimmy lost. I truly believe people
are afraid of Ed Brown. He tried to use this same intimidation-
you-are-stupid who do you think you are act with Nancy Grace
(CNN Headlines) and it didn't work.
He also threatened people and had his deputies remove hundreds
of Jimmy Harris' campaign signs all over Jacksonville. (Jimmy,
by the way, paid out of his own pocket for his campaign)
I told Jimmy I was leaving Jacksonville and moving back North
if he didn't win (and I did). Although I was a graduate of the
police academy in Jacksonville (and the police department is a
WONDERFUL bunch of people!!!) my residence was in the Onslow
County district outside of the area covered by the police
department, and knowing what I knew already about the sheriff,
that made me nervous, knowing nothing would ever be done if
anything ever happened to me.
Jimmy Harris is wonderful. He owns A1 Cleaners down there and
when I was in the Jacksonville (North Carolina) Citizen's
Police Academy (community volunteering), he engraved?
embroidered the shirts for the Citizen's Police Academy, and
for National Night Out he gave me 3 shirts for free.
He does a lot of volunteer work and is very generous
financially to the Domestic Violence Program in Jacksonville,
North Carolina called Angel Voices Speak Up (Founder, Cindy
Winstead) AND he is the Vice President!!
Who knows? Maybe if he had been elected, Lauterbach would have
felt comfortable going to Jimmy as Sheriff, knowing he was the
Vice President of the Domestic Violence Program in
By the way, Sheriff Ed Brown used to work as a police officer
for the Jacksonville police department and GOT FIRED.
> On 3/07/06, Steve Blonske wrote:
>> I just finished finding out what happens when a corrupt
>> (Good Ol' Boy) sherrif stays too long in office.
>> In 1975 I first heard about Ed Brown going aboard
>> Camp Lejeune and making false accusations at officer's
>> house's when my CO and istSgt argued about Ed Brown being
>> a criminal. (I took the 1stSgt's side because I was the
>> stereotypical Working Class Jesuit Community raised
>> individual who believed everybody who attended college
>> was a doper of some kind.)
>> In 1984 I found out about Ed Brown's false accusations
>> being an annual event and heard more from my OIC in 1985
>> that Gen Poggemeyer was holding classes the following day
>> after each event.
>> In 1986 I first heard first hand from a Female Navy LtCmdr
>> about Ed Brown's false accusations when he went to the
>> LtCmdr's and her husband's (The Counter-intelligence
>> Officer for MCAS New River[And Responsible for monitoring
>> treasonous/criminal acts committed by the local Clip Joint
>> Military Town])home. Ed Brown accused the LtCmdr of being a
>> prostitute because she was oriental and her husband was a
>> In 1991 My OIC himself was falsely accused by Ed Brown of
>> having a pot party in is quarters and that Ed Brown smelled
>> the dope from 2-1/2 miles away o Hwy 210.
>> In Every Case; Ed Brown was proven to be a Liar before the
>> sun rose on the next day.
>> In 2000 there was a race based murder of a young black man
>> and his pregnant white wife. Ed Brown's people claimed it
>> was a drug related killing and did not investigate any
>> further. The families of the victims claimed otherwise
>> and spent the next 2 years attempting to find the killers.
>> Last Month there was a murder 300 feet from by door.
>> Based on the time I heard the gunshots; it occurred between
>> 1-3/4 and 1-1/2 hours before the time the Sherrif's Dept.
>> identified to the local newspapers. THE SHERRIF'S
>> A couple months ago I was the victim of vandalism and was
>> informed by the Deputy (The Uniformed Deputies Are Still
>> Some Of The Best Professionals I Have Ever Met.) that unless
>> I were to catch the culpret in the act and get it on video
>> tape; that any crime comitted would never be investigated.
>> Onslow County has never investigated pattern crimes
>> under Ed Brown either.
>> In a county with the population being either military or
>> retired military; the State or Federal authorities should
>> probably do all investigations.
>> They should also limit the terms of Sherrifs based on total
>> cases solved.