Re: Onslow County Sherrif's (The NO INVESTIGATE) Department
Posted by DEBBIE MURPHY on 3/05/09
Steve you need to call me or ans your phone
Mikes son Brian was killed in iraq 02/26/2009
days funeral home keyport 03/06/09 03/07/09 graveside Forest green
his Name is Brian M Connelly Now he had it changed call Kathy
On 2/26/09, JR wrote:
> On 1/15/08, damn yankee wrote:
>> On 1/14/08, ac Stuart wrote:
>>> On 01/14/08 Mac Stuart wrote:
>>> Can not Onslow County do any better than this for a
>> sheriff? It would be a good place not to visit or live.
>> Mac:
>> In November 2006 I assisted Jimmy Harris to campaign against
>> Ed Brown and sorry to say, Jimmy lost. I truly believe people
>> are afraid of Ed Brown. He tried to use this same intimidation-
>> you-are-stupid who do you think you are act with Nancy Grace
>> (CNN Headlines) and it didn't work.
>> He also threatened people and had his deputies remove hundreds
>> of Jimmy Harris' campaign signs all over Jacksonville. (Jimmy,
>> by the way, paid out of his own pocket for his campaign)
>> I told Jimmy I was leaving Jacksonville and moving back North
>> if he didn't win (and I did). Although I was a graduate of the
>> police academy in Jacksonville (and the police department is a
>> WONDERFUL bunch of people!!!) my residence was in the Onslow
>> County district outside of the area covered by the police
>> department, and knowing what I knew already about the sheriff,
>> that made me nervous, knowing nothing would ever be done if
>> anything ever happened to me.
>> Jimmy Harris is wonderful. He owns A1 Cleaners down there and
>> when I was in the Jacksonville (North Carolina) Citizen's
>> Police Academy (community volunteering), he engraved?
>> embroidered the shirts for the Citizen's Police Academy, and
>> for National Night Out he gave me 3 shirts for free.
>> He does a lot of volunteer work and is very generous
>> financially to the Domestic Violence Program in Jacksonville,
>> North Carolina called Angel Voices Speak Up (Founder, Cindy
>> Winstead) AND he is the Vice President!!
>> Who knows? Maybe if he had been elected, Lauterbach would have
>> felt comfortable going to Jimmy as Sheriff, knowing he was the
>> Vice President of the Domestic Violence Program in
>> Jacksonville!!!
>> By the way, Sheriff Ed Brown used to work as a police officer
>> for the Jacksonville police department and GOT FIRED.
>>> On 3/07/06, Steve Blonske wrote:
>>>> I just finished finding out what happens when a corrupt
>>>> (Good Ol' Boy) sherrif stays too long in office.
>>>> In 1975 I first heard about Ed Brown going aboard
>>>> Camp Lejeune and making false accusations at officer's
>>>> house's when my CO and istSgt argued about Ed Brown being
>>>> a criminal. (I took the 1stSgt's side because I was the
>>>> stereotypical Working Class Jesuit Community raised
>>>> individual who believed everybody who attended college
>>>> was a doper of some kind.)
>>>> In 1984 I found out about Ed Brown's false accusations
>>>> being an annual event and heard more from my OIC in 1985
>>>> that Gen Poggemeyer was holding classes the following day
>>>> after each event.
>>>> In 1986 I first heard first hand from a Female Navy LtCmdr
>>>> about Ed Brown's false accusations when he went to the
>>>> LtCmdr's and her husband's (The Counter-intelligence
>>>> Officer for MCAS New River[And Responsible for monitoring
>>>> treasonous/criminal acts committed by the local Clip Joint
>>>> Military Town])home. Ed Brown accused the LtCmdr of being a
>>>> prostitute because she was oriental and her husband was a
>> Jew.
>>>> In 1991 My OIC himself was falsely accused by Ed Brown of
>>>> having a pot party in is quarters and that Ed Brown smelled
>>>> the dope from 2-1/2 miles away o Hwy 210.
>>>> In Every Case; Ed Brown was proven to be a Liar before the
>>>> sun rose on the next day.
>>>> In 2000 there was a race based murder of a young black man
>>>> and his pregnant white wife. Ed Brown's people claimed it
>>>> was a drug related killing and did not investigate any
>>>> further. The families of the victims claimed otherwise
>>>> and spent the next 2 years attempting to find the killers.
>>>> Last Month there was a murder 300 feet from by door.
>>>> Based on the time I heard the gunshots; it occurred between
>>>> 1-3/4 and 1-1/2 hours before the time the Sherrif's Dept.
>>>> identified to the local newspapers. THE SHERRIF'S
>>>> A couple months ago I was the victim of vandalism and was
>>>> informed by the Deputy (The Uniformed Deputies Are Still
>>>> Some Of The Best Professionals I Have Ever Met.) that unless
>>>> I were to catch the culpret in the act and get it on video
>>>> tape; that any crime comitted would never be investigated.
>>>> Onslow County has never investigated pattern crimes
>>>> under Ed Brown either.
>>>> In a county with the population being either military or
>>>> retired military; the State or Federal authorities should
>>>> probably do all investigations.
>>>> They should also limit the terms of Sherrifs based on total
>>>> cases solved.
> Why did he get fired and how can I validate the fact. We are
> working hard to replace Mr. Brown