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    Re: Shoplifting in Ohio

    Posted by ohiofemale on 11/02/05

    Is there any chance that with an attorney, after pleading not
    guilty, at any point the judge will dismiss charges?

    Thanks again

    On 11/02/05, M'sta Mikey wrote:
    > On 11/02/05, ohiofemale wrote:
    >> I am 21 year old female in Ohio and I was stopped by loss-
    >> prevention employees in a department store yesterday. I
    >> had gone into a dressing room, removed the tags of a
    >> sweater, put the sweater on and then put my coat on over
    >> the sweater. I then left the dressing room and put the
    >> tags of the sweater into a pair of pants. I walked out
    >> the first set of doors to the store,9the doors before the
    >> actual outside door) and the loss prevention woman
    >> approached me. They told me they had video surveillance
    >> of me placing the tags of a sweater I did not pay for in
    >> another pair of jeans and walking out with the sweater.
    >> However, all through the process I denied intentional
    >> guilt and said it was unintentional and I didn't realize I
    >> was walking off with the sweater. They came back holding
    >> video tapes but I don't know of they were simply bluffing
    >> with these tapes. They called the police and gave me a
    >> blue ticket and I am scheduled to appear in court in two
    >> days. I went to speak to some run-of-the-mill phone book
    >> criminal attorney, and he told me his fee was a flat $500,
    >> that he would most likely "win" the case, etc. Was he
    >> telling me th truth or just trying to get my money? My
    >> main question is...what do I do? Is it worth it to pay
    >> for the attorney, since I intend to plead not guilty. In
    >> Ohio am I qualified for this "diversion" I am reading
    >> about? This is my first offense and after the officer
    >> read me my Miranda Rights I told him I had no intent to
    >> steal the sweater, there was no malice, it was a
    >> misunderstanding, etc. Does the fact that I told the
    >> police officer that I had no "intent" of stealing the
    >> sweater matter. Isn't stealing based in "intent" anyway?
    >> Basically, can the $500 attorney help me, is he worth it?
    >> And ultimately, what can he in theory do to reduce the
    >> charges.
    >> Please help, I really need to know of it is worth the $500
    >> attorney fee.
    >> Any advice appreciated.
    > Shoplifting is shoplifting - plain and simple! Intent or no
    > intent, if you take something that you did not pay for, it's
    > shoplifting.
    > Spend the $500 - it's worth it. You may qualify for a
    > diversion program but there is no gaurantee that the judge
    > will grant you such. With an attorney, you stand a much
    > better chance.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Shoplifting in Ohio, 11/02/05, by ohiofemale.
  • Re: Shoplifting in Ohio, 11/02/05, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: Shoplifting in Ohio, 11/02/05, by ohiofemale.
  • Re: Shoplifting in Ohio, 11/02/05, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: Shoplifting in Ohio, 11/03/05, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: Shoplifting in Ohio, 12/29/05, by amy.
  • Re: Shoplifting in Ohio, 12/29/05, by amy.
  • Re: Shoplifting in Ohio, 3/12/06, by anonymous.

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