Re: Stachatory rape Texas ** Best Advice..**
Posted by Carol on 1/30/06
On 1/30/06, M'sta Mikey wrote: > On 1/30/06, Dan wrote: >> On 11/15/05, M'sta Mikey wrote: >>> On 11/14/05, gungrffen wrote: >>>> I have a girl Friend who is 15 now she well be 16 feb 15 and >>>> I just turned 18 Aug 12 if we have sex will it be Stachatory >>>> rape we are 2 years 6 months apart plz let me know >>> >>> At 15, you betcha! >> hey its the same way with me I am scared so if you know some >> info more than me yo let me know cause i love this girl but i >> dont want to be serving time because i broke the law > > Keep Quasimoto in his tower until your 'beloved' is 18 (depending > on your state). An 18 year old is an adult in I believe every state in the union. that means if either of you guys have sex with someone who is udner age ( the age depends on the state) you could be charged with "Statutory rape." The idea is that an adult should not have sex with a child. If you really love her, you should respect her and yourself enough to wait until she is older. At 15, she could easily get pregnant and believe me, while 15 and 18 may be old enough to be in love and to have sex, it's awfully young to be mommy and daddy. So if you do decide to run the risk of pregnancy, jail, a court order keeping you from seeing each other, her getting charged with being unruly, or some sort of disease, for heaven's sake at least use protection so that neither of you get a sexually transmitted disease or new baby.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Stachatory rape Texas, 11/14/05, by gungrffen.
- Re: Stachatory rape Texas, 11/15/05, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: Stachatory rape Texas, 1/30/06, by Dan.
- Re: Stachatory rape Texas ** Best Advice..**, 1/30/06, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: Stachatory rape Texas ** Best Advice..**, 1/30/06, by Carol.
- Re: Stachatory rape Texas ** Best Advice..**, 1/30/06, by Lindsey.
- Re: Stachatory rape Texas, 5/18/06, by Amanda.
- Re: Stachatory rape Texas, 5/18/06, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: Stachatory rape Texas, 6/14/06, by bill.
- Re: Stachatory rape Texas, 6/23/06, by CAROL NEUGIN.
- Re: Stachatory rape Texas, 9/24/06, by Mike Green.
- Re: Stachatory rape Texas, 9/24/06, by Mike.