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    Re: CAUGHT Shoplifting AGAIN!!!3RD TIME!!!HELP

    Posted by Curmudgeon on 11/16/05

    You were in possession and control of the car. Therefore,
    you were in possession and control of the stolen property in
    the car. Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass
    Go. Do not collect $200. And you should be equally ashamed
    of teaching your daughter to be the same, lousy thief you
    are. Maybe if you both go to jail for a long enough time,
    you won't be able to breed a third generation of parasites.

    On 11/16/05, Becca wrote:
    > Need some realistic advise ASAP. I was supposedly seen
    > steeling something in Banana Republic. Then arrested,
    > where they found me w/two bags of stuff and then I gave
    > them the OK to search my car (which is my daughters car).
    > When Police searched my daughters car, they found her
    > current clothing, plus some new clothing (which wasn't
    > mine!!!!! ALL of her stuff was in the car, laptop,
    > schoolbooks, paperwork, bills.
    > I am hoping to get a realistic answer. I know I have a
    > problem. Can they charge/convict me of the items w/tags
    > in my daughters car?????
    > Any help is appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • CAUGHT Shoplifting AGAIN!!!3RD TIME!!!HELP, 11/16/05, by Becca.
  • Re: CAUGHT Shoplifting AGAIN!!!3RD TIME!!!HELP, 11/16/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: CAUGHT Shoplifting AGAIN!!!3RD TIME!!!HELP, 11/17/05, by Prairie Dawg.

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