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    Re: walmart theft

    Posted by John on 5/02/06

    On 5/02/06, John wrote:
    I was recently caught stealing an 8 or 9 dollar item but was not
    arrested. They said that Walmart was going to send me a fine in the
    mail. Will I still have to go to court and will this be on my record?
    > On 3/23/06, luke again wrote:
    >> On 3/20/06, John wrote:
    >>> On 11/21/05, Ozarks Lawyer wrote:
    >>>> No, if the fleeing theif runs all the way to The Dominica,
    >>>> contests extradition, and never returns to the U.S., that
    >>>> petting shoplifting charge (that would have resulted in
    >>>> probation) will come to naught.
    >>>> Hint: With strategies like this, you are prison-bound.
    >>>> On 11/20/05, Curmudgeon wrote:
    >>>>> Duh!
    >>>>> On 11/20/05, kid wrote:
    >>>>>> if the person gets away from the store after stealing
    >>>>>> somthing can the store still come after them after they
    >>>>>> have left the premises?
    >>> It depends on what the laws are in your state. I worked for Wal-
    >>> Mart and in TX once you are off the premises there is nothing
    >>> that can be done. However there will be a picture of you posted
    >>> in the LP office. If you are spotted again they will watch you
    >>> closely and wait for you to attempt to shop lift again. Once you
    >>> do they will bust you and will be charged with theft.
    >> if you read above i got caught shopplifting to at walmart and
    > they chased me and my
    >> cousin all the way to th mall like 200 feet from walmart explain
    > this plz

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • walmart theft , 11/20/05, by kid.
  • Re: walmart theft , 11/20/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: walmart theft , 11/21/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: walmart theft , 3/20/06, by John.
  • Re: walmart theft , 3/23/06, by luke again.
  • Re: walmart theft , 5/02/06, by John.
  • Re: walmart theft , 5/02/06, by John.
  • Re: walmart theft , 5/03/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: walmart theft , 5/05/06, by john.

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