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    Re: Welcome Back OZ -- ever decide on case mngmt software?

    Posted by The Zephyr on 11/22/05

    Hey Oz, a digression to a former thread; did you ever settle on a
    case management software? I recall you were looking into Amicus or
    PC law. I’ve yet to commit to one and am still looking for
    quantitative feedback from actual users. I’m also looking for
    trusts and estates software recommendations, but that’s another
    story. So, if you have used a software for case management could
    you share the results? If not, does anybody else out there have
    any input?
    Thanks, Zephyr.

    On 11/22/05, Curmudgeon wrote:
    > I was particulary impressed with the new twist on shoplifting
    > questions--can they arrest you if you're outside the store? I
    > was seeing a whole new line of defenses and even products
    > liability claims. "I would have gotten away, but it took too
    > long to tie the laces on the shoes I was stealing." "I could
    > have outrun them but the soles were to slick on the shoes I was
    > stealing." "The sharp corners on the CD case that I stuck down
    > my pants kept stabbing me in the leg as I was running." "The
    > price tag flew up in my eye and temporarily blinded me." "There
    > should be a warning posted that wearing 10 layers of stolen
    > clothing will slow down your 100 yard dash speed." "The turkey
    > was improperly designed and prevented my effectively concealing
    > it as I ran for the door."
    > On 11/21/05, Ozarks Lawyer wrote:
    >> Thanks. I've just been busy with other, more productive
    >> activities.
    >> Ironically, the very day I check in, George railed about tip
    >> pooling. There was an emancipation question. I think a
    >> fugative statute-of-limitations problem as well. Let's not
    >> forget the Wal-Mart shoplifters or felony expungments, either.
    >> So, you tell me, did I miss anything in the last few months?
    >> On 11/21/05, Prairie Dawg wrote:
    >>> Where have ya been at Ozzer?
    >>> On 11/21/05, Curmudgeon wrote:
    >>>> Great to see you back. We've missed your wit and wisdom.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Welcome Back OZ, 11/21/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Welcome Back OZ too, 11/21/05, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: Welcome Back OZ -- more like condemned to return, 11/21/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: Welcome Back OZ -- more like condemned to return, 11/22/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Welcome Back OZ -- ever decide on case mngmt software?, 11/22/05, by The Zephyr.
  • Re: Welcome Back OZ -- ever decide on case mngmt software?, 11/22/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.

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