Re: Caught at walmart for theft 450.00$
Posted by Curmudgeon on 12/01/05
Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. You may want to read the other posts about getting a furlough so you can celebrate the holidays with your family. And while you're sitting in jail, consider that some little kids aren't going to get the toys they want because your thieving drove up the prices. On 12/01/05, Domnic wrote: > Can they get someone for doing the same thing at other > walmarts if caught on film but getting away already from > the other ones? REmember just caught once this time can > the charge the others? any reply would be great thx..
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Caught at walmart for theft 450.00$, 12/01/05, by Domnic.
- Re: Caught at walmart for theft 450.00$, 12/01/05, by Curmudgeon.
- Re: Caught at walmart for theft 450.00$, 12/01/05, by Dominic.
- Re: Caught at walmart for theft 450.00$, 12/01/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
- Re: Caught at walmart for theft 450.00$, 12/01/05, by Mark.
- Re: Caught at walmart for theft 450.00$, 12/02/05, by Dominic.
- Re: Caught at walmart for theft 450.00$, 12/05/05, by alphamiasmo.