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    Re: people, be more generous, pt. II

    Posted by Ozarks Lawyer on 12/03/05

    Some do. You are correct. Those are the ones we never see again.
    Good for them.

    Others demonstrate a sheer inability to connect those dots. They
    plod thru life without so much as planning for retirement or
    subscribing to health insurance, chosing instead to spend money on
    illegal controlled substances and petty vice. When they get out of
    jail, they don't change one bit. They first thing they do when step
    out of jail is head to the nearest tavern, get drunk and drive home
    on public roads.

    I remember an enterprising coworker from my days as a roughneck in
    the oilfield. This guy had gotten caught hauling pot across the
    border from Mexico. He said drug dogs alerted to hidden
    compartments after the authorities had been tipped off. So he
    served some federal time. Boy did his lesson, he said. Never again
    would he make that mistake. It just wasn't worth it -- the legal
    bills, the time, the anxiety, everything you mentioned.

    The mistake he was talking about? Never again would he haul
    marijuana across the border. From now on, he would transport only
    LSD or something else that dogs can't smell. He truly felt he had
    learned his lesson.

    On 12/02/05, kcm wrote:
    > I do believe some people really learn lessons from what they have
    > done to the community and to themselves, scare, attorney fee,
    > certain jail time, record, court fee, probation, all these are
    > very expensive compared with a piece of clothes, pants, etc. If
    > they are smart enough, they should know what they will expect from
    > these kind of petty theft or DUI. I think some people here seeking
    > help because they don't know what they should do about what they
    > have committed and they really want to learn the lesson while
    > reduce the impact to their future as little as possible. I don't
    > blame people who put sarcasm to the offenders, but just don't
    > judge people with just these crimes, especially first time.
    > On 12/02/05, sharwinston wrote:
    >> People seeking help for firt-time misdemeanors should be getting
    >> help from his/her lawyer. Only his/her lawyer is qualified to
    >> render "good helpful advice."
    >> And, the disclaimer to this chatboard is crystal clear: It is
    > not
    >> a substitute for legal advice from a qualified attorney.
    >> On 12/02/05, kcm wrote:
    >>> I don't mean these criminal should not be punished or
    >>> something. But for some people really seeking help for some
    >>> first time misdeaminors (not like killing people or robbery).
    >>> They deserves some good helpful advises not just criticises
    >>> and sarcasm. Otherwise, what is this chatboard for. I think
    >>> that is why posts are getting fewer, not because fewer crimes
    >>> or fewer criminals but fewer helpful generous people.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • people, be more generous, 12/02/05, by kcm.
  • Re: people, be more generous, 12/02/05, by DontHurtMe.
  • Re: people, be more generous, 12/02/05, by Due Process.
  • Re: people, be more generous, 12/02/05, by DontHurtMe.
  • Re: people, be more generous, 12/02/05, by sharwinston.
  • Re: people, be more generous, 12/02/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: people, be more generous, 12/02/05, by kcm.
  • Re: people, be more generous, 12/02/05, by DontHurtMe.
  • Re: people, be more generous, 12/02/05, by Dianne.
  • Re: people, be more generous, 12/02/05, by sharwinston.
  • Re: people, be more generous, 12/02/05, by kcm.
  • Re: people, be more generous, 12/02/05, by v.
  • Re: people, be more generous, 12/03/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: people, be more generous, pt. II, 12/03/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: people, be more generous, 12/04/06, by Sharese Garbutt .

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