Post: E-bay ??

Posted by Rob! on 12/12/05
Hi, I'm just wonderingabout a problem i have had on ebay and in paypal,I live in the usa and bought a computer on e- bay from another country they had 100 % feedback I gave them money prompty and now there not registerd now and i have not recieved the computer as of yet.and there is no response to my e mails i send them 2,300 $ is alot to be out of, local police cant seem to help much and the paypal system is garbage so no help there and ebay cant help because they are no longer registerd WtF. Do i do now? ANy help would be nice Oh I would rather not higher an attorney cause funds are quite low now Lol. Thx.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- E-bay ??, 12/12/05, by Rob!.
- Re: E-bay ??, 12/12/05, by Bobby.