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    Re: Filing a suite time limitations Tricia

    Posted by Prairie Dawg on 12/22/05

    Don't worry about filing a lawsuit because you probably have
    no basis for it. Pay disparity, i.e., what they hire someone
    in to do the work you do, is not a valid cause of action,
    even if you have a union contract except under very limited
    When I worked in a union plant there was a range and a job
    classification scheme, you got slotted in and people could
    and did come in above and below what I got initially. My
    wife works for the state, she's union and it's the same
    thing. It's allowed.

    If you have a contract, did you go thru the grievance

    For a while there about twelve years ago there was some
    discussion about comparable worth-that is, the idea
    that "womens' work" ought to be paid at "comparable" rates
    to "men's work" of "equal value". This would put, say,
    secretarial work on a par with guy stuff like being garage
    mechanics and so on. Of course it ignored market forces and
    that's why it never caught on in private industry. Unless
    you work for the government and have a union contract that
    addresses the subject, you're not going anywhere with a
    comparable worth theory.

    There were also problems with the notion-that is, if
    secretaries get paid the same as garage mechanics, heck,
    every garage mechanic I know will be storming the gates to
    get one a those jobs where you sit on your arse and don't
    have to worry about freezing out in a snowdrift or getting
    crankcase oil all over you or smelling like a fuel truck.
    But it never happened.

    Too bad. I would have liked a nice job in a nice warm office
    with some friendly chicks that smelled good-hell, I woulda
    made coffee for the boss to get in out of the cold ;-).

    Happy holidays and heal up, Tricia.


    On 12/13/05, Tricia wrote:
    > I was wondering if there is a time limit on filing a law
    > suite against a company for discrimination. I worked for
    > the company for three years, but I was injured on the job
    > and have been on workmans comp now for three years. The
    > injury is not my complaint. The last day I was able to
    > there was the day I found out I had been discriminated
    > against as a female in an all male workplace. The company
    > had hired on someone new who had no experience in this
    > of construction. I was one of the people who had to train
    > this guy. He was there probably 2 months when on one pay
    > day I happen to see his pay check, and they started him at
    > a higher pay than what I was being paid after three years
    > with them. I am not only hurt but discusted by it but I
    > have never been one to push an issue like this. I thought
    > after this long I would stop being bothered by it but I
    > just cant stop letting it get to me. What can I do?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Filing a suite time limitations, 12/13/05, by Tricia.
  • Re: Filing a suite time limitations Tricia, 12/22/05, by Prairie Dawg.

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