Post: Stachatory and child custody

Posted by Hopefully father on 12/20/05
If a 16 year old girl in NY lied saying she was 18(and no one; not her parents, grandparents, or friends that knew how old she was and how old the man was[22]; told the guy) and then they had a child--is it possible for the guy to file for physical custody and win? The girl dropped out of school, has poor living arrangements(parents separated and imbalanced family ties), has no income, and has prior instances of stealing, lying, and "self cutting". The man has a well paying job and has 2 college degrees, and has a close family.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Stachatory and child custody, 12/20/05, by Hopefully father.
- Re: Stachatory and child custody, 12/20/05, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: Stachatory and child custody (emancipated ), 12/20/05, by Hopefully father .
- Re: Stachatory and child custody (emancipated ), 12/20/05, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: Stachatory and child custody (emancipated ), 12/20/05, by DontHurtMe.
- Re: Out of fashion terminology, 12/21/05, by Prairie Dawg.