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    Re: Out of fashion terminology

    Posted by Prairie Dawg on 12/21/05

    Dear Mr. 22 year old guy .

    It's spelled s-t-a-t-u-t-o-r-y r-a-p-e

    They used to call this "jail bait".

    If you were any kind of man, you would step up to the plate and
    your responsibilities to this woman, her family, and this child NO

    Lest you think I'm blowing smoke out my hindparts, I can tell you
    that I was in a similar position, only difference was she was
    seventeen and I was twenty so I skated on the legal part of it. I
    married her, the kids were not born b*******s, we were divorced and
    I paid support for the better part of twenty years. My family-that
    is, my mother and father, and her mother and father expected no less
    of the both of us. It worked out pretty well, I'm a grampaw and I
    like the idea pretty well. My daughter is pursuing her masters in
    social work and my son is a US Army veteran and a software engineer.

    If you're such a smart guy with all those college degrees how come
    you can't spell?

    Your story sucks. Be a man, not a life support system for a schwanse.

    On 12/20/05, DontHurtMe wrote:
    > Just because she had a child does not make her an emancipated
    > minor. It just makes her a minor mother.
    > On 12/20/05, M'sta Mikey wrote:
    >> On 12/20/05, Hopefully father wrote:
    >>> On 12/20/05, M'sta Mikey wrote:
    >>>> On 12/20/05, Hopefully father wrote:
    >>>>> If a 16 year old girl in NY lied saying she was 18(and no
    >>>>> one; not her parents, grandparents, or friends that knew
    >>>>> how old she was and how old the man was[22]; told the guy)
    >>>>> and then they had a child--is it possible for the guy to
    >>>>> file for physical custody and win? The girl dropped out
    >>>>> of school, has poor living arrangements(parents separated
    >>>>> and imbalanced family ties), has no income, and has prior
    >>>>> instances of stealing, lying, and "self cutting". The man
    >>>>> has a well paying job and has 2 college degrees, and has a
    >>>>> close family.
    >>>> Absolutely possible. Also possible that he could be charged
    >>>> with statutory rape, a sexual predator, etc...
    >>> Even if she is emancipated after having her first child a year
    >>> ago?
    >> She was a minor when she was "impregnated" and achieved
    >> emancipation ONLY after the child was born. Therefore, yes, it
    >> could be considered statutory rape and charges can be brought for
    >> a specific period of time (statute of limitations) after she was
    >> emancipated.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Stachatory and child custody, 12/20/05, by Hopefully father.
  • Re: Stachatory and child custody, 12/20/05, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: Stachatory and child custody (emancipated ), 12/20/05, by Hopefully father .
  • Re: Stachatory and child custody (emancipated ), 12/20/05, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: Stachatory and child custody (emancipated ), 12/20/05, by DontHurtMe.
  • Re: Out of fashion terminology, 12/21/05, by Prairie Dawg.

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