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    Re: Shoplifting at Walmart

    Posted by John on 3/20/06

    On 1/16/06, Carol wrote:
    > On 1/14/06, Anonymous wrote:
    >> I am an aide in a school and work with a 60 year old man
    >> who is an aide as well. He was caught shoplifting over
    >> $300.00 from Walmart. He is going to court soon but was
    >> wondering if he could continue on in a school system if he
    >> is charged with this? According to our handbook, a felon
    >> cannot work in the schools.
    > States categorize felonies by the value of the object
    > involved. depends on what the cut-off is in your state. He
    > may only be charged with a misdemeanor, but I would guess
    > that most schools would not want to continue to employ
    > someone who steals. Not a real good example for the
    > children is it? But then again, a university in my state not
    > only continued to employ a coach convicted of drunk driving,
    > they're giving him another class to teach, this one on
    > substance abuse! Unbelievable.

    That decision is entirely up to the school board of directors.
    They could teminate him or let him stay. But even if they let
    him stay they could terminate at any time with a felony being
    on his record. I beleive they will considering the fact that it
    $300 dollars worth of merchadise. That is a high number.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Shoplifting at Walmart, 1/14/06, by Anonymous.
  • Re: Shoplifting at Walmart, 1/16/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Shoplifting at Walmart, 1/17/06, by Anonymous.
  • Re: Shoplifting at Walmart, 1/17/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Shoplifting at Walmart, 2/07/06, by Harley Foyt.
  • Re: Shoplifting at Walmart, 3/20/06, by John.

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