Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?
Posted by Carol on 1/26/06
On 1/25/06, Tristan wrote: There are 2 kinds of law: statutory and common law. There is no common law duty to assist anyone in your scenario. I don't know of any state that has a statute making it a crime to not assist, but you're talking about the people's republic of california, it might be different there. (appologies to Califonians, just couldn't resist.) There are laws to protect good samaritans if they mess up by helping but I don't believe there are any laws that require people to help even if it is with little personal risk. How would one decide how much risk was enough to make it ok not to help? How would risk be evaluated in an emergency situation? See where I'm going? It may be morally wrong to some people not to help their fellow man, but not to all people. Maybe the person who died should haunt him instead of the police arresting him? > hi there, > I'm looking for some legal details for some fiction I'm > writing. Suppose a person witnesses a life-threatening > event such as an auto accident. The witness could easily, > and with little personal risk, have saved the life of the > accident victim. Instead, the witness decides not to help, > and as a result the victim dies. What, if anything, can > this bad samaritan be charged with? If the laws about this > differ by state, let's it takes place in California. > > Any and all ideas, references, explanations are appreciated. > Thanks. > Tristan
Posts on this thread, including this one
- criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?, 1/25/06, by Tristan.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?, 1/26/06, by Carol.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?PS, 1/26/06, by Carol.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?PS, 1/27/06, by Tristan.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?PS, 1/27/06, by Tristan.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?PS, 1/27/06, by Carol.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?, 1/27/06, by v.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?, 1/28/06, by v.