Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?PS
Posted by Carol on 1/27/06
Tristan, I guess it really depends on the state. The only relationship I can think of that fits your question about a statutory duty might be like a foster parent/child, or possibly elderly adult or disabled person/care provider but that's a real stretch and to be honest I doubt other than the parent/child there are any laws imposing the duty you're talking about. Some states have statutes about coming to the aid of a law enforement officer if requested but I don't think that would fit under your scenario either. teacher-student, no. doctor-patient, no. Try googling the state + criminally negligent homicide. This will bring up cases in the news, discussions and such that might be helpful. There are also some good books out, the law for writers or something like that, I've seen them in the writing reference sections at bookstores and libraries. Good luck, happy writing. Oh, and don't rely on TV scenarios if you it to make realistic! talk to real lawyers like you're doing now. But remember we all have different takes on things as well.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?, 1/25/06, by Tristan.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?, 1/26/06, by Carol.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?PS, 1/26/06, by Carol.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?PS, 1/27/06, by Tristan.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?PS, 1/27/06, by Tristan.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?PS, 1/27/06, by Carol.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?, 1/27/06, by v.
- Re: criminally negligent homicide? wrongful death?, 1/28/06, by v.