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    Re: How can I quash a 23 yr old warrant in California HELP

    Posted by M'sta Mikey on 2/02/06

    On 2/01/06, Leslie Monte wrote:
    > Regarding a 23 year old a warrant - It was issued after I
    > was found not guilty by reason of temporary insanity -
    > Charge was Assault with a deadly weapon in 1983. I walked
    > away from a program they made me take. I felt it was a
    > waste of my time. (ignorance of youth- yeah, I know, dumb
    > move) Can someone help me ?? I need to know if I can quash
    > this based on the statute of limitations or ?? Ideas??
    > help? Low cost attorney??

    Warrants, especially those of the felony persuasion as is
    yours, are upheld until you are arrested or you die. Statute
    of Limitations do not apply to warrants.

    You an attorney...NOW!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • How can I quash a 23 yr old warrant in California HELP, 2/01/06, by Leslie Monte.
  • Re: How can I quash a 23 yr old warrant in California HELP, 2/02/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: How can I quash a 23 yr old warrant in California HELP, 2/02/06, by M'sta Mikey.

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