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    Post: Need help I can't afford an attorney to represent me.

    Posted by Mimi on 2/04/06

    I am the defendant in the case of Blank Title Company vs.
    Individual. Due to unfortunate circumstances and
    hardships, especially the recent death of my husband, I
    have been unable to properly address this matter. I
    contacted several attorneys however they all required high
    retainers and in view of my financial hardship I could not
    obtain their services . On account of this misfortune I
    am in the process of applying for government assistance.

    This lawsuit has come at a very traumatic time in my life.
    My common law husband of 23 years died on August 24, 2005,
    I was fired from the company where I was employed on Sept
    12, 2005, I was served with a summons on October 1, 2005, I
    was admitted to the hospital on Oct 21, 2005 with Cardiac
    Problems that I never had before and finally on October 24,
    2005 there was Hurricane Wilma which caused us additional

    On Sept 9, 2005 I left a message for Employer, Vice
    President of Blank Title Company, on her cell phone
    letting her know that I received a call from the Crematory
    and I needed to pick up my husbands ashes. After I bought
    home the ashes is when I finally realized that my husband
    was never coming back. I was so distraught that I had to
    take medication to help me. On Monday Sept 12, 2005 my son-
    in-law called employer and informed her that I was not able
    to go to work because of my emotional state and that I did
    not want to speak to anyone. That same day I received a
    call from President of Title Company , when I answered the
    call I was crying and President told me that I needed help
    and to call him back later when I stop crying. Later that
    day I called President and he told me that the company had
    to let me go. I asked him how could they do this to me
    especially now and that I had 3 vacation days left. He said
    I don’t know talk to Vice President.

    I called Vice President we spoke for some time and she told
    me that I could return to work. Two hours later I get a
    call from Vice President telling me that President was very
    upset because Vice President had underminded him in telling
    me that I could return to work and that if I returned to
    work that he would resign from the company. Vice President
    told me that she could not have him resign from the
    company. Vice President and I spoke to each other several
    times after that and she did tell me that it was her fault
    that President fired me because she got him worked up. She
    also told me that President did not want her talking to me.

    On Sept 14, I called Vice President to see if I could pick-
    up my last check along with my personal belongings she said
    that I could get my things. When I get to the building I
    call to see if someone could bring down my belongings and I
    was told to come up to the office because Vice President
    and President both needed to speak to me. President did all
    the talking and he stated to me that if I contacted any
    clients that he would sue me and that the litigation
    process would be very lengthy and very costly to me not to

    During the time that I worked at the Title Company Vice
    President would tell me that I was like family to her and
    that she did not know what she would do if I ever left. I
    have been working in the Title Insurance industry for 15
    years this is my livelihood and I fear that this lawsuit
    will affect my chances of obtaining employment in the

    During this tragic time I have experienced and continue to
    experience a wide range of grief reactions including all of
    the following Denial, Disbelief, Confusion, Depression,
    Shock, Sadness, Yearning, Anger, Humiliation, Despair and
    Guilt. The loss of a loved one is life’s most stressful
    event and can cause a major emotional crisis. After the
    death of someone you love, you experience bereavement .It
    will take quite some time for my life and the life of my
    son to be half way normal

    Consideration was never taken by the Officers of the Title
    Company that filing a law suit against me would also affect
    my 15-year-old son . My son is at a crucial age in his life
    and is already suffering greatly from the loss of a father
    whom he adored. With everything that is happening at this
    point, my son has expressed to me his fear of losing me
    I am being sue for an amount greater than 15,000.00 on the
    grounds of Torturous interference, defamation and emotional

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Need help I can't afford an attorney to represent me. , 2/04/06, by Mimi.
  • Re: Need help I can't afford an attorney to represent me. , 2/07/06, by M'sta Mikey.

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