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    Re: What Does an ACD mean?

    Posted by Andrew on 1/13/09

    On 11/09/08, cityboy wrote:
    > On 2/10/06, M'sta Mikey wrote:
    >> On 2/09/06, worried sis wrote:
    >>> So when the question is "have you ever been arrested and if yes
    >>> explain"
    >>> What should he put?
    >>> "yes was aressed but case was dismissed"
    >>> or something else?
    >>> Thanks!
    >> Yes. If they search the records, nothing should come up
    > regarding
    >> this charge.
    > The wording on that question is off. Generally they'll ask if
    > you've ever plead guilty to a crime. Or the felony question.
    > Either way, if it's going to be off of his record in 6 months,
    > then he won't need to say "yes" to the question.

    This has me wondering something. Does an ACD "exist" in one's
    records? Is it completely expunged after a time? If yes, then if
    someone is pursuing a government security clearance and had an ACD
    in the past 10 years, would they be required to divulge this? If
    someone has a clearance despite this, can it be expunged from their
    personnel / security record?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • What Does an ACD mean?, 2/08/06, by Worried Sis.
  • Re: What Does an ACD mean?, 2/09/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: What Does an ACD mean?, 2/09/06, by worried sis .
  • Re: What Does an ACD mean?, 2/10/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: What Does an ACD mean?, 11/09/08, by cityboy.
  • Re: What Does an ACD mean?, 1/13/09, by Andrew.
  • Re: What Does an ACD mean?, 1/13/09, by --.

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