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    Re: What Does an ACD mean?

    Posted by M'sta Mikey on 2/09/06

    On 2/08/06, Worried Sis wrote:
    > My little brother was caught with a friend who shoplifted.
    > They were both given a misdemeanor and petty larceny. Now
    > the friend still is fighting his case buy my brother was
    > given an ACD because there was nothing against him. But the
    > lawyer told us we can either choose to go to trial or
    > accept this ACD. Now he’s applying for jobs. The probation
    > was for 6 months which passed in January 2006. Will his
    > record show anything? This is all in the state of New york

    "ACD stands for 'Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal'.
    It is not an admission of guilt, nor is it an affirmation of
    innocence. It means essentially that if you don't get
    arrested for 6 months, the District Attorney will dismiss the
    charges against you, and the case record will be sealed."

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • What Does an ACD mean?, 2/08/06, by Worried Sis.
  • Re: What Does an ACD mean?, 2/09/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: What Does an ACD mean?, 2/09/06, by worried sis .
  • Re: What Does an ACD mean?, 2/10/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: What Does an ACD mean?, 11/09/08, by cityboy.
  • Re: What Does an ACD mean?, 1/13/09, by Andrew.
  • Re: What Does an ACD mean?, 1/13/09, by --.

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