Re: theft at work
Posted by Carol on 2/10/06
Sorry Bob, only the government can violate your 5th amendment right not to incriminate yourself. Only the police have to read you your rights, not your employer. You signed a confession. While that's not as legally sufficeint as if you did it with a police officer, you have admitted to a 3rd party that you did something wrong and it sure as heck CAN be used against you. Don't know specifics about TX law but considering the stance of the former governor on constitutional rights I'd say you're probably hosed. I disagree with Mickey, I suggest you contact a criminal defense attorney immediately, do not pay the demand until you talk to an attorney, it could be seen as just another admission of guilt. And KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Do not talk to anyone else but an attorney about this.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- theft at work, 2/09/06, by bob t .
- Re: theft at work, 2/10/06, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: theft at work, 2/10/06, by bob t.
- Re: theft at work, 2/10/06, by bob t.
- Re: theft at work, 2/10/06, by Carol.
- Re: theft at work, 2/10/06, by Carol.
- Re: theft at work, 2/10/06, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: theft at work, 2/10/06, by bob t.
- Re: theft at work, 2/10/06, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: theft at work, 2/14/06, by joe.
- Re: theft at work, 2/14/06, by bobt.