Re: shoplift in Utah
Posted by sharwinston on 2/11/06
Probably probation and community service. On 2/11/06, Mike wrote: > I'm in utah. > I made a stupid mistake about a week ago. > I'm 23 and have no record except this one. > it was at smith's grocery store and I got caught by > stealing worth $15 product. > I got a citation for misdemeanor and have to go to a court > next week. > I was wondering what's the punishment will be...
Posts on this thread, including this one
- shoplift in Utah , 2/11/06, by Mike .
- Re: shoplift in Utah , 2/11/06, by sharwinston.
- Re: shoplift in Utah , 2/12/06, by Mike.
- Re: shoplift in Utah , 2/14/06, by Prairie Dawg.
- Re: shoplift in Utah , 2/14/06, by Mike.