Re: statuelimitationsMOLESTIONRAPE
Posted by Esa on 5/14/06
On 3/07/06, melissa kelley wrote:
> On 2/22/06, Prairie Dawg wrote:
>> ummmmm, what state? what are you alleging happened? how long
>> ago was it? did you report it? can you prove anything? do
>> you want to file a criminal complaint or sue someone?
>> On 2/21/06, Melissa Kelley wrote:
>>> Want to sue and press charges on family for molestion/rape
>>> when I was a child what is the statue of limitations as to
>>> how many years you have to press charges
> on 3/7/06
> what is the number of years that i have to proseute this
> case,sue, or charge someone else with the knowledge of it
> happening and not doing anything. Someone please email an
> answer.
I'd like to know this as well , for the state of California.