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    Re: friend in need of some advice

    Posted by v on 2/24/06

    Oh my goodness! Hey Lindsey! Have you ever dated a really nice
    old senile gent, who left his brains in your pants?! LOL

    On 2/23/06, Lindsey wrote:
    > Yes I agree with Bob on everything he posted here (no wonder I
    > admire him also)
    > If he is scared that she may charge him with stachatory rape,
    > maybe that's what he did, besides seducing a minor into a
    > illegal relationship with a married man
    > What a catch !! is right, what a prize is right also, or
    > should we say: what a seducer liar!!?
    > Hmmm wonder how many other innocent minors he forced himself
    > to, with lies and false promises
    > I really hope she charges him with stachatory rape, because
    > that's what it is, no wonder he is 'afraid', if he was
    > innocent and didn't commit such crime, he will be at peace but
    > he is not
    > There is no doubt in my mind that SOME (or most men...lmao)
    > have their brains under their pants! :)
    > Just my 0.2 Cents
    > Lindsey
    > On 2/23/06, Bob R/CA wrote:
    >> On 2/23/06, linzi wrote:
    >>> i have a friend who is dating a much younger girl(legal
    >>> age) and wants to break it off. he is scared that she will
    >>> charge him with stachatory rape. and they have been
    >>> together for a year. so they are common law. can she take
    >>> him to court and get half of everything he has? also he is
    >>> still married going through a seperation
    >> I'm confused - first you say she is "legal" then you say he
    >> fears being charged with statutory rape. Either she is (and
    >> was) over the age of consent, or not.
    >> Victims don't charge people with crimes - only the state
    >> (prosecutor) can do that. Assuming she was under the age of
    >> consent when the relationship started, and other elements of
    >> the crime were satisfied (e.g. he was over a certain age -
    >> elements vary by state) then she can make a complaint to the
    >> police, and the D.A. can decide if he wants to follow up on
    >> it. You didn't mention the state involved or their ages, so
    >> I can't point you to the statute for that state.
    >> As far as common law marriage, most people have little
    >> understanding of the reality. Common law marriage only
    >> exists in a handful of states, and each have their own
    >> requirements - but none of them revolve around simply living
    >> together for a certain length of time. In every instance,
    >> the couple needs to hold themselves out as married. And
    >> since you openly stated he is already married, I'm assuming
    >> she knows this and realizes she therefore cannot be and is
    > not
    >> married to him. E.g., no common law marriage.
    >> On the other hand, some states do recognize a limited right
    >> of recovery known as "palimony," but I'm not aware of any
    >> instances where a settement was established for a couple
    >> living together for only a year.
    >> For what it's worth, he doesn't sound like anyone's hero.
    >> he has a wife already and is having sex and living with
    >> another minor (presumably). The only reason he is still
    >> involved with the girl is because he's afraid of legal or
    >> economic consequences. What a catch!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • friend in need of some advice, 2/23/06, by linzi.
  • Re: friend in need of some advice, 2/23/06, by Bob R/CA.
  • Re: friend in need of some advice, 2/23/06, by Lindsey.
  • Re: friend in need of some advice, 2/24/06, by v.
  • Re: friend in need of some advice, 2/24/06, by Lindsey.
  • Re: friend in need of some advice, 2/25/06, by LINDSAY.

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