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    Re: Statutory Rape

    Posted by Prairie Dawg on 3/17/06

    On 3/17/06, Mom of a 21 year old wrote:
    > On 3/03/06, M'sta Mikey wrote:
    >> On 3/02/06, ??? wrote:
    >>> I wanted to know a friend that I have known most of my
    >>> life is in a relationship with a 17 year old female, when
    >>> he himself is 21. It worries me that he may get into
    >>> trouble. I was told by several people that in the state
    >>> of texas the age allowed to have consential sex is 17. Is
    >>> this so??? Or can he have statutory rape charges brought
    >>> against him even though it was consential.
    >>> Thanks a bunch!!!!!
    >> Google: "Texas Statuatory Rape" if you really want to find
    >> out.
    >> Question: If your 'friend' is not concerned, then you
    >> shouldn't be either...
    > You should be concerned if you really are a friend. I'm sure
    you don't want to be
    > visiting this person in prison. It is statutory rape no matter
    if it's CONSENSUAL. In
    > addition, if your friend wants to take that chance, maybe you
    should remind your
    > friend that there's alot of non-consensual rape going on in
    prison...especially to
    > young 21 year olds by bigger, older, meaner and possibly
    infected men.

    What in the hell are you talking about? If the age of consent in
    Texas is 17 or above under law, that means that a 21 year old
    and a 17 year old having sex is entirely lawful.
    And that means you don't know what you're talking about and you
    can't read.

    What does that have to do with going to prison and getting

    I think you've got entirely too much time on your hands-perhaps
    you should devote it to studying the Texas Penal Code section

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Statutory Rape, 3/02/06, by ???.
  • Re: Statutory Rape, 3/03/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: Statutory Rape, 3/17/06, by Mom of a 21 year old.
  • Re: Statutory Rape, 3/17/06, by Prairie Dawg.

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