Post: Do Warrants have a Statute of Limitations in Miss

Posted by Chrys on 3/03/06
Hi. I have 2 warrants from Aug. 99. 1 for contempt of court and the other violation of probation. I am not that person anymore and am trying to get my Canadian citizenship. I have 2 children 1 who is a year and a half and disabled. I stay at home and take care of her. She cant see hardly at all and has seizures, among other things. My point is if there isnt a statute then what are the chances of hiring a lawyer and geting these charges thrown out without me doing time? I CANT and WONT leave my little girl! Oh and im 7 months pregnant also. I just want to get on with my life and have a clean record. Will the judge consider the fact that I have been in no trouble at all since and have a family now? Please reply! I'm going crazy wondering what to do!! Thanks in advance, Chrys
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Do Warrants have a Statute of Limitations in Miss, 3/03/06, by Chrys.
- Re: Do Warrants have a Statute of Limitations in Miss, 3/03/06, by Carol.