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    Re: Do Warrants have a Statute of Limitations in Miss

    Posted by Carol on 3/03/06

    In most states warrants last forever. I'm sure you now have
    a third for failure to appear. I can almost guarantee that
    you will not get Canadian citizenship with active warrants
    out for you. They check these things you know. While I
    sympathize about your dilema with your children, the longer
    you wait the worse it will be. My advice is: call an
    attorney in the town (city, county, whatever)where the
    warrants are, turn yourself in, and throw yourself on the
    mercy of the court (with your attorney's assistance of
    course. You will not be able to "get on with your life"
    until this is cleared up. If you are pulled over in the
    state for speeding, or even a passenger in a car where the
    driver is pulled over, your warrant will show up. Some
    places even show warrants from other states. You will be
    arrested and sent to jail. If it's a holiday weekend you
    could end up spending several days away from your children.
    Set a good example and show the judge that you're serious
    about getting your life together by turning yourself in
    rather than getting busted somehow. Turning yourself in will
    go a long way in convincing the judge that you're "not that
    person anymore." If they aren't serious charges chances are
    you won't do much if any jail time. But talk to a defense
    attorney, get representation first, you'll do much better
    with an advocate there for you.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Do Warrants have a Statute of Limitations in Miss, 3/03/06, by Chrys.
  • Re: Do Warrants have a Statute of Limitations in Miss, 3/03/06, by Carol.

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