Post: Ligitimate Exoneration?

Posted by Don on 3/04/06
From 06/00 until 01/04 I was under indictment by the feds for felonies. Ultimately, they withdrew charges and my, then, "public defender" told me I had been exonerated. Moreover, I received paperwork from the court denoting this. Nevertheless, since then, ligitimate employers [to whom I apply] steer clear of me and even my current employer nearly terminated me after this past indictment. Could it be I was not genuinely exonerated by the courts? What recourse do I have? Must I be seen as a "felon" the remainder of my life although I have never been convicted of a felony?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Ligitimate Exoneration?, 3/04/06, by Don.