Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia
Posted by KEIMISHIA COFIELD on 3/06/08
On 4/04/06, Brina wrote: > I recently was caught with a pound of Marjunia. I was in > Pennsylvania outside of Philadelphia. I was pulled over by > two DEA agents they pulled me over stating that I did not > signal when changing lanes. They searched my car and found > the drugs and I was arrested I was never read my meranda > rights. I have no idea what I am facing I am out on R O R > right now. If you can give me an idea of what I might be > looking at I would appreciate it. I do have priors from > years before but not for drugs. WELL FIRST OF ALL. THEY REALLY DID NOT HAVE A REASON TO SEARCH YOUR CAR IF THEY WERE JUS PULLING YOU OVER FOR A SIMPLE TRAFFIC STOP. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR IF YOU HAVE A COURT APPOINTED LAWYER. REMEMBER TO EXPRESS TO THE JUDGE THAT IT WAS UNREASONABLE SEARCH AND SEIZURE WHICH IS THE FOURTH AMENDMENT. WITH OUT A REAL PROBABLY CAUSE THE LAW HAS NO RIGHT TO SEARCH YOU OR ANY OF YOUR BELONGINGS. HONESTLY IT SHOULD GET DISSMISSED. BUT YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER TO EXPRESS UNREASONABLE SEARCH AND SEZIURE. IF IT DOES GET DISMISSED,IT IS CALLED THE EXCLUSIONARY RULE, ACCORDING TO THE FOURTH AMENDMENT.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 4/04/06, by Brina.
- Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 4/04/06, by Bob R/CA.
- Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 3/06/08, by KEIMISHIA COFIELD.
- Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 5/01/08, by TexasLEO.