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    Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia

    Posted by Bob R/CA on 4/04/06

    On 4/04/06, Brina wrote:
    > I recently was caught with a pound of Marjunia. I was in
    > Pennsylvania outside of Philadelphia. I was pulled over
    > two DEA agents they pulled me over stating that I did not
    > signal when changing lanes. They searched my car and
    > the drugs and I was arrested I was never read my meranda
    > rights. I have no idea what I am facing I am out on R O R
    > right now. If you can give me an idea of what I might be
    > looking at I would appreciate it. I do have priors from
    > years before but not for drugs.

    I can't help you on the sentence for a conviction of one
    pound of marijuan, or the sentencing guidelines (what the
    judge typically gives), but you can find information on that
    by checking the federal statutes and consulting with an
    attorney, or some simple Google research. I think the
    federal code for marijuana is 21 U.S.C. Chapter 13 - check
    the following for the relevant laws:

    (stitch URL together if it wraps).

    Note that the fact they didn't read you Miranda warnings
    only helps for a very limited purpose - excluding evidence
    from trial of admissions you made in response to their
    questions if you were under arrest (in a nutshell). In
    other words, you can't use Miranda to suppress evidence that
    you didn't signal, or that they smelled a strong odor of
    marijuana when they pulled you over.

    Just an aside, DEA agents don't patrol the interstates for
    traffic violations. You were being followed because they
    found evidence indicating you were involved in the
    interstate transport of marijuana. Perhaps one of your
    associates rolled over on you, or your phone was tapped.

    This is a big time offense - without even looking it up, I'd
    be pretty sure that trafficking of that much marijuana
    carries a pretty stiff jail term. The fact that you may
    have other arrests or convictions will only serve to make
    the ultimate sentence (if convicted) that much stiffer.

    You need a good attorney, who can investigate the
    admissibility of the evidence that led to your arrest. And
    you need to re-evaluate your life - doing things like this
    will not lead to a happy outcome. Especially when you are
    obviously now under the DEA's microscope....


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 4/04/06, by Brina.
  • Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 4/04/06, by Bob R/CA.
  • Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 3/06/08, by KEIMISHIA COFIELD.
  • Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 5/01/08, by TexasLEO.

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