Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia
Posted by TexasLEO on 5/01/08
DEA Agents do not randomly conduct traffic stops. If you were indeed stopped by DEA agents, they already knew you had the marijuana, whether they gained the info from an informant or possibly a controlled buy, the personal Knowledge they had regarding the drugs, was all that they needed to search your car. as for Miranda(note spelling) Miranda is only required for custodial interrogations. Just because you are arrested doesn't mean that you have to have receive the Miranda warning.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 4/04/06, by Brina.
- Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 4/04/06, by Bob R/CA.
- Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 3/06/08, by KEIMISHIA COFIELD.
- Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 5/01/08, by TexasLEO.