Re: expungement laws for Missouri
Posted by Allen on 5/04/06
In Missouri, under some circumstances, you may be able to
have a criminal record expunged, which is the process of
legally destroying, obliterating or striking out records or
information in files, computers and other depositories
relating to criminal charges.
You are eligible in Missouri for expungement if your arrest
was based on false information and the following conditions
There is no probable cause to believe you committed the
No charges will be pursued as a result of the arrest
You have no prior or subsequent misdemeanor or felony
You did not receive a suspended imposition of sentence for
the offense
No civil action is pending relating to the arrest or records
sought to be expunged
If you qualify, you may file a verified petition for
expungement in the civil division of the circuit court in
the county of your arrest. The court then sets a hearing on
the matter no sooner than 30 days from the filing of the
petition. If the court finds that you are entitled to
expungement of any record, it must enter an order directing
On 5/02/06, Annie wrote:
> Can anyone give me a brief discription of the expungement
> law of Missouri to get something taken off your record.
> thanks
> annie
Posts on this thread, including this one
- expungement laws for Missouri, 5/02/06, by Annie.
- Re: expungement laws for Missouri, 5/03/06, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: expungement laws for Missouri, 5/04/06, by Allen.