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    Posted by ANNIE on 5/05/06

    In 1999 I plead guilty to a class b misdemeanor. I had a
    public defender at the time. When we went to court, I had
    went back to college to better myself on the job market,
    he had ask the judge because I had never been in trouble
    to make this an SIS (I think that is what it was called)so
    it would not affect my job opportunity in the future.

    It was my understanding that if I finish my one year
    probation without any incident that this would be struck
    from my record. Is this true? I am appling for work
    since I was laid off from a eight year job and am having a
    hard time. Several of these jobs ask for crimial
    background checks and I am not hearing back from them.
    Just wondering how that worked. I have had to go to city
    court for a few trafic tickets. Is this on your record
    also since I found out it is a court of no record?

    Any help on this issue

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • SIS CONVICTIONS, 5/05/06, by ANNIE.

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