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    Re: Pa Statute of Limitations

    Posted by SF on 5/30/06

    If you have proof to all of these harrasment and feeling
    threats by it you still have a case. Only if still continue.
    However, you can follow processure by filing complains with
    the Police if the harrasment continue and you feel unsafe find
    a lawyer to handle your case.

    On 5/14/06, Lori wrote:
    >>>> what are the limitations for filing about simple assult,
    >>>> harssment, stalking, terroistic threats. any help would be
    >>>> appreciated, thanks.
    >>> some please help me with this
    >> What do you mean by "limitations"; Statute of Limitations? You
    >> can look it up - Google "Statute of Limitations PA" and read
    >> from there.
    >> Care to shed some light on the details?
    > i looked at the statue of limitations, and the way that i take
    > it, i can still press charges. but, evry lawyer, and cop says
    > that its to late.
    > heres what has happened.....
    > My fiancee and I have been harassed and stalked by his
    > ex-girlfriend who he has 2 children with, since June 2004. she
    > would follow us to
    > the bar ( in mt. pleasant), to Walmart (in mt. pleasant), our
    > jobs (
    > all 3 jobs in mt. pleasant), and also to my parents house (in
    > alverton
    > (where at the time we both lived)). she had always threatened to
    > take his
    > children away, so for the longest time we did nothing, and just
    > refused
    > to go anywhere. she has threatened us on several occasions that
    > she had
    > people after us, and to watch our backs. i have been terrified,
    > and
    > extremely paranoid to even go into my backyard since she has
    > been seen
    > sitting by my house (up to 200 yards away, and as close as 60
    > feet to my
    > home). from her place of residence to all the places listed
    > above is
    > about a 45 min. drive out of her way.
    > when he had moved in my parents house he had to leave some
    > of his
    > possessions at a friends house. his ex later went in and took
    > his TV,
    > and placed it in her house. at the same time his TV was taken,
    > DVDs, and
    > clothes came up missing also (never found).
    > She has also sent multiple gifts by this time for him.
    > She had went on vacation to Ocean City MD, and had called
    > our
    > house (in alverton PA, on June 15th 2005) and stated that her
    > house had
    > been broken into, and that my fiancee was to blame. she then
    > said that she
    > had called the state police and they would be there to question
    > us.
    > they never showed, and there was no report of a break in.
    > On July 26 2005, she had come to pick up my fiancee to
    > visit his
    > girls (she showed up with 2 car loads of people, which had me
    > frightened) while they went on a quick trip to Walmart (mt.
    > pleasant pa). when
    > they had left Walmart, instead of bringing him home
    > as "planned", she
    > made a quick turn, and took him to mammoth park (pa), and
    > refused to bring
    > him home (is this kidnapping?). he had to find his own way back.
    > She
    > had also told the both of us that she was doing all that she
    > could to
    > keep him away from his daughters.
    > On July 5 2005, she had filed a PFA on my fiancee. (court
    > hearing
    > was July 11 2005) we were denied counsel, and weren't allowed to
    > defend
    > our-selves, and had lost the case. the PFA is effect until
    > January 11
    > 2007. (we had tried to get a PFA on her previous to this, but
    > were
    > laughed at and turned away)
    > We have contacted the state police July 8th 2005, and gave
    > our
    > statement. the officer that we had spoken to had told us that if
    > any of
    > this continues to give him a call, and she would be arrested
    > (that it was
    > a type of "stay away order"). She started the harassing phone
    > calls,
    > and sending cards to my fiancee in August 2005 - November 2005.
    > we
    > called the police, and they said that there is nothing that they
    > can do.
    > (the officer that we had spoken with July 8 2005 no longer works
    > with
    > them.) they said to get a PFA on her.
    > At the custody hearing (August 24 2005) we had been granted
    > supervised visits. we just recently started them Feb. 7, 2005,
    > and are now
    > afraid that everything is going to start up again. the PFA only
    > keeps him
    > away from her, she can still do what she wants.
    > We have about 8 witnesses (total) to these accounts. we
    > don't have
    > money for a lawyer. what can be done if anything? how long do we
    > have
    > to do anything about this before its to late? are there any
    > other riminal acts in these incidents?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Pa Statute of Limitations, 5/14/06, by Lori.
  • Re: Pa Statute of Limitations, 5/30/06, by SF.
  • Re: Pa Statute of Limitations, 6/22/06, by Lori.
  • Re: Pa Statute of Limitations, 3/16/08, by missy.

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