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    Posted by carol on 5/23/06

    On 5/20/06, JENNY wrote:
    > Is there anyway of getting out of a manditory 90 day jail
    > time for the 3rd DUS (Driving under suspended lic.) in
    > South Carolina???? Please let me know if having a lawyer
    > will help. What are my choices?
    any time you're looking a jail time an attorney will help.
    they are the only one that can tell you if there's any way
    of getting out of a mandatory sentence. why haven't you
    gotten your driver's license back? that sure would make
    things simpler, wouldn't it?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • DUS #3 IN SOUTH CAROLINA, 5/20/06, by JENNY.
  • Re: DUS #3 IN SOUTH CAROLINA, 5/23/06, by carol.

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